
Oftentimes I like to learn about programming languages simply because I'm interested in what they bring to the table.

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Programming Languages

Programming for 10 years.

These are the top three languages that I would clearly say I’m very competent in. I’m also always digging around in other languages, just for fun. A few other notable mentions are Scala, Lua, Javascript, Haskell, and Kotlin.

Web Backend

2 years professional experience

I wrote from scratch and currently maintain a secure internal Spring Boot application. The project that landed me my current job had a Node.js backend.

Web Frontend

2 years professional experience

After high school, I dived into javascript to learn about web development. When I found out about typescript, I immediately jumped on board.

Data Science

2 years professional experience

My current position involves a fair amount of Data Science work, crunching through lots of text on a pretty big Hortonworks cluster. I started out mainly doing my work in straight java MapReduce before switching onwards to mostly hive. We also did a fun Spark project with a bunch of machine learning.


2 years professional experience

I’ve been doing a lot more ansible automation that I thought I would, having made entirely new automation suites for several projects that I worked on. I spent a few months dockerizing components on another team as well, helping set the way it would be done after I left.


2 years professional experience

A necessity for basic business logic on any backend. I also use it with a distributed file system through Hive professionally.